Thursday, 3 February 2011

Relationship between the photographer and models.

I've had an idea... I was thinking about the relationship between the photographer and the model and how the model never knows the model yet there allowing them to photograph them anyway. I was then going onto thinking about how people will act around me when I ask to photograph them. I know that it would be easy to photograph my boyfriend and brother as they are both always happy to be photographed and willing to listen to what I ask them to do. I then thought about my parents and how it's always difficult to photograph them as they always end up telling me what to do.

Anyway moving onto my epiphany, I was thinking about what people would write if I gave them a piece of paper to write something about the photographer, I then also thought about if I asked the model to write the relationship to the photographer on a piece of paper, would like affect how they act within the outcome of the image? Would the images of my family be different to those of people I do not know very well?

I am going to experiment with this in one of my photo shoots to see what the results are as I am very excited to try it out.

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